
A site posting ladies' requests for bondage stories

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Babysitter Katie Part 3

You've got that Loving Feeling

Katie watched as Gary went to the blanket chest and took out a blanket.

“What are you doing?” asked Katie.

“Getting a blanket,” Answered Gary. “I’m going to sleep on the settee, so as not to bother you.”

“That’s very sweet, but I think that in case of emergency it would be best if you slept with Little Miss ‘Tied-up’ here.” Said Katie. “Anyway, I don’t think I’m going to get any sleep tonight and I’m going to need the company.”

“Alright.” Gary put the blanket back and approached the bed.

“Also,” said Katie “Could you undress me too, I prefer to be naked when I go to bed.”

“Are you sure?” asked Gary.

“Well, you’ve already seen everything and I would rest more comfortably in the nude.” Answered Katie.

“Okay.” Gary went over to the side of the bed where Katie was lying. First, Gary removed the towel around Katie’s body. Then, he proceeded to pull Katie’s panties down to her ankles. Next, he pulled Katie’s stockings down to below her knees. Then Gary stopped.

“Before I untie your ankles, I have to do something first. Otherwise I’d be freeing you. And that would be breaking my promise.“ he said.

“Okay.” Katie replied.

Gary went to a bedside cabinet and took out a length of rope. He then tied Katie’s legs together, just above the knees. Now, he raised Katie up into a sitting position and lent her forward, so that her breasts were nearly touching her legs.

Gary then took another length of rope and tied it to the rope at Katie’s knees. Then he wrapped it around Katie’s body and legs several times, tying her legs to her chest. Finally, Gary tied the rope at Katie’s knees.

God! This is restrictive. I won’t be able to move an inch, Katie thought.

“I notice you’re very good at tying too.” Katie said. “Do you want to tell me about it? I’m not going anywhere, am I.”

“I’ll answer all of your questions, as soon as I undress you, don’t worry.” Gary replied. He gently tipped Katie backwards until she was on her back and her legs were in the air.

Katie suddenly felt completely vulnerable. She realised that her womanhood was completely exposed and accessible to Gary.

Gary untied the rope that bound Katie’s ankles together. Then he gently removed her panties, unzipped and took off her boots and finally pulled off her stockings.

While this was going on, Katie closed her eyes and her imagination took over. In her mind’s eye, she saw Gary penetrating her and taking complete advantage of her helplessness...

“Penny for your thoughts.” Gary said. He leaned Katie forward so that she was sitting up again.

Katie blushed. “I was fantasising about you making love to me in the position that I was in.”

“I’m flattered.” Gary said. “It’s a very good position to play with and caress a woman’s intimacy, but on a bed of this height, it’s not practical for a man to make love to a woman.” He untied the rope that was wrapped around her legs and chest.

“I’m just going to tie your legs in a different way than they’ve already been tied. Don’t worry.” Gary said. He lay Katie on her back again.

“I won’t.”

Gary put the long piece of rope away and got two shorter lengths. He took Katie’s right ankle and bent her right leg until her heel nearly pressed into her bottom. Gary then wrapped the rope around Katie’s right ankle and thigh several times and tied the ends off. Then Gary took Katie’s left ankle and bent her left leg until it was in the same position and repeated the process with the other piece of rope. The rope tying Katie’s knees together was then removed.

“It’s called a frog-tie. Your legs end up looking like the bent legs of a frog.” Gary said. He then pulled Katie’s knees apart. “It also makes a woman very accessible.”

“Okay, now are you going to lie down next to me?” Katie asked. She managed to roll onto her left side.

“Sure.” Gary lay down to her, lying on his right side just inches from her. Katie looked into Gary’s face and for a moment she was hesitant to speak.

Finally Katie found her voice. “Well, Can I ask now?”

“Go ahead.” Gary said.

“Well, how did your daughters learn to tie up babysitters so well?” Katie asked.

“Jane actually taught them.” Gary Answered. “They started playing cops and robbers. Zoe tied Angela up too tightly and Angela started crying. Rather than banning the games, because they would just play where we didn’t know, Jane told them how to tie up someone safely and gave them rules that they had to keep to. That way, they wouldn’t hurt each other when they played cops and robbers and we could keep an eye on them.”

“So, how did you learn?”

“Jane taught me, a long time ago. She loved being tied up, especially for lovemaking and I liked it anyway, so she made sure that I could tie her up safely.”

“And that’s why you didn’t rush to untie me, you liked me all tied up?”

“Yes, and I’m sorry. I should have. I waited until you asked me to untie you, but you didn’t say anything, and you seemed okay, so I left you like this. It looks like you don’t mind it.”

“Well, I did fantasise about you making love to me, so that’s true. The girls easily knew how to tie up an adult. Have they tied adults up before this?”

“When they played cops and robbers, they would sometimes ‘kidnap’ Jane.  She actually turned this to her advantage one night, when I was working late. They decided to kidnap her, so she got them to tie her up on the bed right here. Then she got them to write a note on the front door saying ‘Mummy’s been kidnapped, please go to the bedroom.’ When I got home, Jane was really desperate for me to make love to her. I took my time and at the end, she was almost screaming at me to make her orgasm.”

“Jane liked this so much, so made it happen several more times.”

“Did Jane ever spent the night tied up, like I’m going to do?”

“Jane spent quite a few nights tied up, she said that she felt like ‘a helpless captive’.”

“And she had no problems getting to sleep?”

“Normally, she had no problem getting to sleep. There was one exception to this, though.”

“What was that?”

“We had got into a row. I was angry because she went on the net with my laptop and got it infected with a very nasty virus. The system was messed up so much, the machine had to be completely reinstalled. I had backed up the data the day before, thank goodness. She wanted me to forgive her and she told me how I should punish her.”

“What did you do?”

“First I stripped her naked and I tied her up in a strict hogtie, then gagged her. Next I put a crotch-rope on her which would provide stimulation, but no relief. Then I went to sleep on the settee. I woke up early the next morning, about four o’clock.”

“Carefully, I crept over to the door and put my ear to it. I could hear quiet sobbing. Then I opened the door. Jane looked a complete mess from being frustrated by stimulation. She looked like she had been crying all night. I removed her gag and the crotch-rope, dried her tears and after some making up, I made love to her. We overslept after that.”

“So did you make love to her on the nights that she slept tied up?”

“Yes.” Gary said.

“So,” Katie said “I have just two options, then. One, stay awake all night long, bound, helpless and frustrated. Two, be made love to so that I can fall asleep and have a good night’s rest. And that leaves only you to help me.”

“Either you leave me to lie awake all night, or you do the decent thing and take advantage of me.”

“I haven’t done this, you know, ever since Jane passed away.” Gary said. “Are you absolutely sure that you want to do this. You’re very beautiful and I am honoured that you would want me to make love to you.”

“I do want this.” Katie said “Please, please make love to me.”

Gary put his arms around Katie and pulled her close to him. Katie closed her eyes and parted her lips. She instantly felt the pressure of Gary’s lips upon hers.

Katie opened her mouth, Gary’s tongue gently probed inside. It touched her tongue, and then with gentle sweeps, it caressed her tongue again and again. Then their tongues intertwined for a while.

Then Gary withdrew his tongue and started to kiss Katie on the neck.

Now the kisses moved up to her ear.

“Can I blindfold you, please?” He whispered.

Katie nodded her head. I’m tied hand and foot; I might as well be blindfolded as well.

Katie felt the cloth being put around her head and then the knot being tied at the back of the head.

Kisses started to rain down upon her lips again, and then Katie felt her hair being caressed.

Then Gary’s tongue entered her mouth and their tongues intertwined again. Then Gary withdrew his tongue.

“Katie, you know you were gagged tonight, by my daughters.” Gary said.

“Yes. It was very uncomfortable.” Katie said.

“Well, I have a gag that is okay to use. May I try it on you?” Gary asked. “If you don’t like it I can take it off.”

“Okay,” Katie said “but if I don’t like it, I’m shaking my head, you understand, and you have to take it off.”

“Yes, certainly.” Gary said. “Give it minute or two after I put it on, it takes a little getting used to.”

Katie heard a fumbling sound. Then she heard Gary say:

“Open wide please.”

Katie did as she was asked. She felt a rubber ball being inserted into her mouth and then felt leather straps to either side of her face. Katie felt the two straps being buckled together at the back of her neck.

“MMMM, mmmm.” Was all that Katie could say.

“It’s called a ball-gag.” Gary said.

I’m completely helpless again. At least this time it’s going to be fun. Katie struggled against her bonds to prove her vulnerability.

Katie felt gentle arms hold her and roll her onto her back. Gary’s hands started to caress her body. She shivered with anticipation at what was to come. The hands were concentrating on her breasts now, gently soothing and caressing.

A feeling of strong arousal was spreading through Katie’s body. Fingers were now making little circles around her nipples, teasing her helpless body. Now her nipples were being pressed and rubbed, making her even more aroused.

Then Katie gasped as sweet little kisses were placed along the mounds of her breasts. Then the kisses turned into playful, teasing bites that made her writhe with excitement.

Kisses were now being placed in a circle around her nipples and then the nipples themselves were kissed. Next, the nipples were played with Gary’s lips and teeth and then caressed and teased with his tongue.

As her nipples were being teased, Katie became aware that Gary was using his hands to gently stroke her thighs. Her legs started to quiver.

The caresses were now concentrating on the upper part of her thighs now.

Katie started to feel a strong sense of arousal in her womanhood.

Please move your hands higher! Katie said through her gag, which came out as “mmmm’s.”

In response, Gary moved his hands further down her thighs, closer to her knees.

No. Thought Katie. No! And then she shook her head furiously, sending out a series of “mmmm’s,”

The hands moved to the top of her thighs, just a tiny distance away from her womanhood.

Katie nodded her head. Closer. Just a bit closer! Katie thought.

Now she felt a hand touch her womanhood. Katie gave out a long “MMMMMMMMM” as the feeling went through her like an electric shock.

The hand started to gently and slowly caressing her womanhood. At this, Katie started to writhe uncontrollably and her hips made little spasmodic jerks up and down.

The strokes were starting to get stronger now and increase in speed. Katie felt like she was a marionette, moving and jerking to the strings that were pulling her.

Yes. YES! She thought. Just a little more!

Then the strokes stopped.

Noooooo! Katie screamed in her mind. That’s not fair! She shook her head wildly from side to side, simultaneously thrusting her hips up into the air. You can’t leave me like this! Don’t do this to me!

Then she felt Gary get on top of her and then gasped as his manhood entered into her.

 The thrusts began, slow and gentle.

Katie nodded her head. Yes, go on!

The thrust increased in quickness and intensity.

More! Just a little more! Katie thought. I’m nearly there!

The speed increased again.

Oh God. Oh God! OH GOD! OH MY GOOOO-!

All Katie was aware of was the orgasm that swept through her, robbing her of any other sensation. She just lay there on the bed jerking and quivering...

The next thing Katie knew, her gag and blindfold was removed and she was being gently held in Gary’s arms.

“Thank you. That was wonderful.” Katie said.

“No, thank you.” Gary replied. “You were wonderful.”

As Katie lay there enjoying the kisses, cuddles and the sweet nothings whispered in her ear, she said:

“The silly thing is that if it wasn’t for Angela and Zoe, I wouldn’t be here right now.”

“What do you mean?” Gary asked.

“Well, if things had gone as they should’ve, I would have waited until you got home, took your money and gone back to the bedsit.” Katie answered. “I was too shy even to make a move on you.”

“A bedsit, you don’t even have a separate flat?”

“No and most of the students just seem to want to make noise. I was grateful for the peace and quiet, so I was able to read and study.” Katie said.

“So being tied up changed the whole situation for you” Gary said.

“It’s not often that you’re actually a damsel in distress and you get rescued by a real hero.” Katie said drowsily. She started to feel very sleepy.

“Just rest, Katie. I’ll be here in the morning.” Gary said.

“Good night.” Katie said, and drifted off to sleep.

“Sweet dreams.” Gary said, and then kissed Katie on her brow.

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