
A site posting ladies' requests for bondage stories

Tuesday 26 February 2013

New Story: Christine at the Farm

It was a nice warm summer morning when Christine left the farmhouse, and she was wearing jeans, a checked shirt and white trainers. First thing I need to do is check on the horses. She headed for the horse paddock and the adjoining stables and as she approached the stables, she noticed that the door on the building was slightly ajar. That’s odd, as I’m sure I shut it last night. Walking up to the door, she stopped and listened, and there faint sounds of movement coming from inside the stables. There’s someone in there, but If I can rush in, I’ll be able to surprise him and at least scare him away.

Christine stood by the door for a few seconds, rapidly swung it open and then immediately ran in. This proved to be disastrous, as she ran straight into the intruder in such a way that she ended up stunning and winding herself. Christine fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes, wheezing in an effort to get her breath back and at this point she was only half aware that hands were brought together in front of her, and then her wrists were securely bound by rope. She was hoisted to her feet with her hands above her head, and she realised that her wrists were being tied to a horizontal wooden beam above her head.

“Now, just stay calm and this is as far as it goes.” said a man’s voice.

Christine turned her head to look over her shoulders and saw a man wearing black shoes, black trousers, white shirt and a ski mask. “I will be gone soon and I’ll loosen the rope enough for you, so that you will be able to free yourself after a while.”

“Get me out of this right now!” Christine screamed. How dare you tie me up, I am going to so kick your ass when I get out of this! She quickly turned around, even though her hands bound above her head, and she lashed out with her right foot which caught the intruder in his left shin. He cried out at this, and then caught hold of Christine’s right leg.

Now, off balance, Christine looked on in shock as the man tied one end of a piece of rope around her right ankle, and then looped the other end of the rope around a vertical beam to her right. He then pulled on the rope, which took Christine’s ankle away from underneath her body, before tying off the other end of the rope. He then took Christine’s left ankle, tied the end of another piece of rope around it, looped the rope around another beam to her left and then tied her left ankle to the left beam.

Christine now realised in horror that she was helpless and immobilised in an inverted Y position, with her legs about three feet apart. That was stupid! You might have kept your word, but there will be no chance of that after I kicked you. I’m now completely helpless and available to you. Given what men are like, it will only be a few seconds before you decide that you are going to take full advantage of me!

Trembling violently, Christine closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable. The inevitable, however, didn’t happen.

She opened her eyes when the man spoke. “I have no intention of doing anything untoward to you, or against your will. You are going to have to stay like this until after I’ve gone, and then I will call the police to have you freed.”

At first, Christine felt relief at this. This means that I’m not going to be-, wait a moment! I’m a beautiful, sexy woman who’s completely helpless in front of you, and you have no intention of taking advantage of me? You must be joking! The helpless lady felt a little crest-fallen at this. Men normally throw themselves at me at the best of times. I can’t believe this, you are not going to make use of the situation?

Then the man walked to the door of the stables, saying “I’ll check on you every so often to make sure that you are okay.” He left the stables, leaving Christine completely helpless and alone with her thoughts.

Is there something wrong with this guy? I’m tied up and helpless and he’s not even made the slightest move on me. Doesn’t he like girls? I am tied in a way that makes me defenceless and vulnerable, so he must do. Maybe it’s just that he has high morals in certain areas, which is very unusual for a thief. If that’s the case, I think I can antagonise him, and then see how he reacts.

Christine waited for the intruder to return, occasionally twisting and writhing in a fruitless attempt to get comfortable. She didn’t have to wait long as she could already hear his approaching footsteps.

“Ah, I see the pervert has returned.” Christine said.

“What did you mean?” Questioned the man, clearly taken aback by this comment.

“It means that you must be getting a big kick out of leaving me like this. It must ring your bell to have a beautiful woman bound up like a puppet on a string, knowing that you can do anything you want and that she cannot stop you.”

“I put you in this position for your safety and mine.” He replied.

“Oh come on, you must really enjoy seeing me like this, totally weak and captive. I’m not worried about it though, it’s not like you’ve got the courage to do anything to me while I’m helpless in this situation.” She continued to taunt the intruder with her comments.

“Careful, if you keep speaking to me like that I will do something to you, just to show you that continuing to speak in this manner would be a bad idea.”

“Don’t try and bluff, tough guy, no matter what I say to you, you won’t do anything at all to me. You’re just too scared to.” Christine carried on with her stinging, heedless of the possible consequences.

“One more comment like that, I’ll cut that shirt off you and then you’ll be sorry.” He threatened.

Christine pushed her chest out at the man. “Go on then, I dare you. Cut my shirt off! You don’t even have the guts.”

Christine watched in surprise and shock as the man took out a pair of emergency scissors, and then proceeded to deftly cut away her shirt. In a few moments, the only garment on Christine’s upper body was a translucent bra which left very little to the imagination. That was very foolish of me, what would have happened if I had provoked an even stronger reaction? Christine was more than a little anxious now and her breasts heaved with the deep breaths she was taking. I’d better not say anything right now, as I was sure that you were just bluffing.

“Just don’t try to annoy me. I would have thought that a person in your situation would know better than to be antagonistic.” With that comment he walked out of the stables, and left Christine alone again.

You didn’t even look at my breasts! Good grief, they’re virtually exposed and you acted as though they didn’t even exist! It’s as if you don’t even find me attractive. What do I have to do to get you to notice my body, be completely in the nude? Well, I’m going to goad you even more next time, and see how you react.

It was a while before the man returned to check on Christine. “Are you okay?” He asked her.

“If you can call being taken prisoner by a perverted creep, tied up and stretched out in an uncomfortable position, and being put on display to be gawked at okay, then yes, I’m okay.” She again taunted.

“Well, as long as you’re not in any pain.” He said, looking into Christine’s eyes.

Christine wiggled her upper body, getting her breasts to dance around in front of her. What do I have to do to get your attention! You haven’t even looked at my body, all you do is just look at my face. Most men can’t keep their eyes off my breasts in normal times, let alone a situation like this.

“So, when are the others getting here.” Christine said sarcastically.

“What others?” the man questioned.

“The other men, the ones that you have left tied me up for. It’s quite obvious that I am bound for their pleasure. So when do they arrive?”

“I would never be involved with something like that.” The man commented angrily.

“Oh, why not, when it’s okay to perversely tie a woman up like this and cut her shirt off. It’s not like you have the courage to do anything else.”

“Stop it, or you will find out.” he threatened.

“You are a big coward, and you won’t do a thi-.“ Christine suddenly stopped as the man whipped out the scissors and with a few snips, he cut the bra away from her body, leaving her completely topless.

Well at least you had the courage to do this, and that my breasts are fully on show to you. Wait, what the hell am I thinking? I encouraged you to do this! I’m deliberately provoking and tempting you! Is it because you won’t touch me and I want you to see me like this? It can’t be!

While Christine was thinking about her actions, the man removed the trainers from her feet. “If you are not acting more decent when I get back, you will find yourself in the nude.” After he gave that warning to his captive that, he left again.

I don’t think that you have even looked at my bare breasts, just how much self control do you have? And as for that threat of yours, bring it on! I bet you won’t go that far. I am going to be so bad to you when you return.

As soon as the man returned, Christine launched a stream of language and profanity that made him pale visibly. That’s it, I bet that you will run straight out of the building!

As she stopped for breath, he said “You shouldn’t have said that.” He took out the scissors and proceeded to cut away Christine’s jeans, leaving the woman in just her panties. The captive trembled a little in her near nakedness, but she was resolved to carry on.

She noticed that he had also cut two cloth strips out of the shirt she had been wearing. “What’s that for, creep?” Christine asked.

“You’ll find out if you carry on with language like that.” He answered.

You aren’t going to hurt me and I might as well be fully naked, so I think I’ll carry on barbing you. Christine continued with the bad language that was directed at her captor, and he promptly removed her panties with the scissors, leaving Christine in the nude. He then took a deep breath as he looked at her completely helpless and naked body.

“See, I said that you are a pervert, and you are enjoying my naked tied-up body. I bet that’s why you came here in the first place, just to fetter me like this and strip my clothes off me. I see that you are rolling up my panties in a ball, creep, and are you enjoying that too? What are you goin- ulp!” Christine suddenly stopped her tirade when the rolled up panties were thrust into her mouth, and the man took one of the cloth strips, placed it over her mouth, took the ends around her cheeks to the back of her head and knotted it off, holding the panties in her mouth.

WTH! You’ve gagged me! You’ve gagged me with my own panties! Christine was stunned by this action and she took a few moments to recover.

“You deserve that for having such a foul mouth.” The man said.

Christine glared at him with a ‘If looks could kill expression’ for what he had just done to her. The man then took the second strip, placed it over her eyes and then tied it at the back of her head. A blindfold? You’ve blindfolded me? Now I don’t even have the pleasure of giving you evil looks.

“Well, at least your mouth won’t get you into any more trouble. Oh and by the way, you do have a stunning body and I’ll speak to you soon after I’ve finished.” Christine felt a stinging hard slap to her bottom, just before he left the stables.

What the hell is wrong with me? Instead of just staying here with my hands tied above my head, I managed to provoke you into a situation where I’m tied up and naked, gagged, blindfolded, and with my panties in my mouth. I have been such an idiot! Well, at least I know that I can’t do anything else foolish now, and you could have done a lot worse to me.

The day was getting warmer as time went on, and owing to Christine’s occasional struggles against her ropes, she was now getting hot and sticky with sweat. If I had met you under other circumstances, I would have considered you the perfect man. You haven’t taken advantage of me, even though I am completely helpless and naked. I would guess that if you took advantage of me right now, you would be very gentle and tender.

Suddenly, a breeze gently blew through the stables, causing the air to dance on Christine’s skin and an image flooded the captive’s mind of her being touched by him. Instead of the idea shocking her, Christine actually found the concept to be pleasurable. That’s amazing, I actually like the idea of you caressing my skin. Was this in my mind all along? Did I provoke all of this because I want you to stroke me? Christine moaned softly at the fantasy of the man caressing her helpless body and she painted a picture in her mind of him gently holding and kissing her.

The breeze grew into a gentle wind, running all over Christine’s body and she imagined him caressing her most intimate areas, causing her to writhe and moan. This is making me very aroused! I want you now, I want you a lot! The woman had an image in her mind’s eye of the man making love to her as she was completely helpless, an act that she now truly desired. The wind and Christine’s own fantasies were driving her into an ever stronger state of desire, and her feelings were so strong that she ignored else except for the experience and sensation.

Then the wind dropped. “Noph! Noph!” Christine cried into her gag, feeling very frustrated now that the wind had died. I was so close! The wind and my mind could have taken me to fulfilment! Now I’m stuck like this, with a fire in my intimacy and unable to do anything about it! She twisted and pulled against the ropes, hoping that she could free herself and find her relief and it was then that she heard the breathing. You’re here? How much have you seen? You could have seen all of this! Please don’t leave me like this!

“I came in, just as the breeze started, and it was an incredible performance that you presented. I don’t think you heard me because of the wind, and if you had I would never have seen this.”

Christine nodded, knowing that he was right. “Pleamph pleamph.” Christine mumbled through her gag, begging for her captor to help her in her need and frustration.

“It’s obvious that you are very sexually aroused, would you like me to leave, so as not to disturb you?”

Christine shook her head violently. No, don’t go, I need you so badly! You must fulfil me, please! “Pleamph, pleamph.” Christine cried through her gag. She also writhed and moaned as if she was being made love to, trying to make him understand that she needed him.

“So, do you want me to stay and make love to you?”

Christine replied with a nod, hoping that he would comply with her wish. The helpless woamn trembled with anticipation as she felt the man embrace her from behind, and he started to plant sweet little kisses on her neck. Yes, that’s wonderful! I must be insane though, as a while ago I was furious with you for tying me up. Now I want you to take me and fulfil me. I can only think that I must have been taken captive by the man of my dreams.

She felt kisses all along her spine and her neck and back were being rubbed by his fingers. At this, Christine let out a loud moan and writhed at the pleasure she was receiving and her fire grew as he gently ran his hands all over the back of her body, covering and caressing every inch. She nearly screamed as the man began to pay attention to her front as he pressed himself against her back, and started to softly stroke the greatest areas of her intimacy. Gentle kissed landed on the back of her neck, and at the same time he caressed her breasts with his fingertips eliciting more movement from the captive as the pleasure went through her body like little electric shocks.

Next she jumped when the man, while still caressing her breasts with his right hand, moved the other one down to her flower and caressed her most intimate area. That’s it! Not long now until I get fulfilled! Just a bit more! Christine was starting to feel the wave of bliss build up and it wouldn’t be long before they crashed onto her shore of joy.

However, just as the feeling had reached its peak and Christine was about to feel the release of orgasm, the man stopped and withdrew his hands. What are you doing! Christine screamed through her gag, frustrated from the act of denial. I was right on the edge, another few seconds more and it would be over! This is pure torture!

“You’ll receive your fulfilment eventually, but not right now. This is a punishment for the way you spoke and acted earlier.”

Christine struggled, writhed and wriggled, all to no avail. She begged and pleaded through her gag at the man, who just ignored her. The frustration didn’t seem to subside at all, and the feelings and the desire inside her grew even stronger. I’m being punished with pleasure, and I would have thought that this was impossible! I’m truly under your power now, and you have total control over me. I can resist pain, but how do I resist this?

After a few minutes, the man spoke “I think you’ve suffered enough for your misbehaviour, so I have two options for you. One, I will leave now and call the police so that they can free you. Or two, I can stay here and you will be my willing captive. Grunt once or twice for the answer.”

Christine thought for a moment. If the police turn up and I’m like this, driven almost to madness by desire and frustration, I will want to make love to them even though I’m bound and gagged, and they will probably think that it’s a hoax, and that I’m a ‘strange sex-starved slut’. I will most likely be arrested, and then probably spend the rest of the day handcuffed and unfulfilled. With the second option, I will have to willingly surrender myself to you, but is that so bad? I will at least obtain my release.

Christine grunted twice.

“Now, I shall retie you and place you in a more comfortable position for lovemaking.”

Christine heard a rustling sound above her head, and then she was able to lower her hands as the rope that held them to the beam was untied. Next, her bound wrists were pulled over her head and positioned at the back of her neck, and she could now feel the rope from her hands being looped around her chest several times, and then taken back to her wrists and tied firmly. I guess that my hands are going to be immobile behind my neck for now.

Christine’s hips started to thrust forward in an involuntary manner, trying to find a release from her desire, and she listened as he untie the ankles ropes from the vertical beams, which allowed her to place her legs together at last.  Why haven’t you removed the ropes from my ankles, though?

The helpless captive was lifted up, carried a little and then laid on her back on a bed of hay. Well at least it isn’t straw, as that would have been very uncomfortable. Next, her right leg was bent at the knee until her heel pressed into her thigh. The rope from her ankle was wrapped around her thigh and ankle several times before it was knotted off, tying them together. This process was repeated with her left leg, leaving her other ankle and thigh bound together. This is a very unusual way of tying someone up, and the way that my legs are tied must leave me looking like a frog.

Christine shivered as she felt sweet tender kisses on her neck and gentle caresses over her breasts and body and soon the kisses slowly moved to her cheeks and then onto her gagged lips. She then gasped through her gag as there was a sweet caress on the intimacy of her womanhood. Please, more and faster, I need to be fulfilled!

The man lay on top of her helpless body and gently filled her aching void, starting with very slow and gentle thrusts, as he placed sweet kisses upon the mounds of her breasts. Christine moaned and writhed with pleasure under him from the sensations that she was now feeling. The fire of her lust grew inside her as he thrust faster and stronger into her, and sweet kisses were planted in a ring around her nipples. She “mmpphd” at the man, urging him to bring her to a climax.

Her nipples were gently sucked and teased by the man’s mouth which elicited gasps through her gag. His movements into her became quicker and more intense, and Christine felt herself right on the edge of bliss. Yes! Just a little more! Yes! YES! YEEEEEEEEEEESS-! All other thoughts left Christine’s mind as the waves of pure ecstasy washed over her, time and time again...

When she became aware of her reality again, Christine realised that her gag and blindfold had been removed and also that he was gently kissing and cuddling her. As the man lifted his head, Christine let out a loud gasp as he was no longer wearing the ski mask and she recognised him instantly. It was Greg!

“It’s you! The new partner for the farm! You sent me your picture a few weeks ago and you said you would arrive today. I completely forgot!” Christine exclaimed “But why the ski mask, and why were you in here?”

“If you remember, I mentioned in my letter that I sometimes suffer from Light Sensitivity and it became very acute this morning, so I ran into the stables and put on my mask. A minute later, you crashed through the door, right into me. Not knowing who you were, I tied you up and it was only when I went to the main house that I discovered that you were the other owner. When I returned, it was clear that you wanted the situation to go a certain way, so I obliged you in your desire. I hope that I haven’t overstepped the mark, partner.”

“It seems that we are a lot more than partners, now.” She said. “We have become lo-.” Christine was stopped mid-word by a passionate kiss on the lips from her lover...

The End.

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