
A site posting ladies' requests for bondage stories

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Cecilia Medina - The Mishandled Mistress Part 13

“Please, do not try to remove your blindfold.” Megumi said as the rope around the prisoner’s waist was untied. “This isn’t any kind of threat, as we feel that we can trust you to cooperate with us. You are to be untied and your clothes will be changed before we bind your arms and hands up in a different way.”

I understand that you aren’t going to do anything really nasty to me, so I won’t put up any sort of a fight while you rearrange me. What clothing are you going to put on me, though? No resistance was offered by the captive as her chest rope was removed, with the two ladies wasting no time in untying the ropes that bound her legs to the tree, which left just her hands and elbows bound. Her elbows were untied first which allowed her to relax her arms, before the final piece of cord that bound her wrists together on the other side of the tree was removed so that she could hang her arms by her sides.

After Cecyme was made to step away from the tree, her arms were lifted up into the air before the maid’s dress was pulled up along her body and over her hands which left her in her panties, stockings and high heels. Although the lady tried to remain quiet, she squealed as her panties were pulled down to her and her stockings were rolled down to her shoes by her two captors. “Lift your right foot up a little.” Megumi said as the other lady held onto her body to make sure that she wouldn’t lose balance, and Cecyme lifted her right foot up so that one leg of her panties along with the stocking and shoe could be removed from her foot. Before her foot was placed back on the grass, one leg of a fresh pair of panties were put on her right ankle, and her right foot was guided down before her left was raised up from the grass. Her panties, stocking and shoe was removed from her left leg before the other leg of the panties were put on, and once the left foot was back on the ground, the panties were pulled up to her waist so that her modesty was covered. Sleeves were pulled up her arms so that her body was covered and the buttoning up at her front suggested to her that this garment was a shirt of some kind, possibly cotton. After this was finished, a thigh length skirt was placed around her waist, and it was buttoned up on her left side with the roughness of the fabric suggesting that it might be made of canvas.

Cecyme’s hands were brought together in front of her and four loops of a rope that was just a little rough were wound around her wrists before three cinches were added along with a secure knot. A long rope was wound around her chest and arms, ten times above and below her breasts, and cinches were wrapped between her body and arms to hold her upper arms in place. One end of a length of rope was tied to her wrists with the cord being wound around her waist and wrists, so that her lower arms were forced against her body which meant that she wouldn’t be able to use her hands.

“Your gag is going to be changed now, so keep your mouth wide open once your current gag is removed.” Collette said.

Aren’t you going to tie me up even more? I would have thought that you would have wanted to bind my legs together at the very least. The knot that was at the back of the captive’s neck was untied and the cloth that parted her lips was pulled away, before the rolled up material that was in her mouth was taken out from between her teeth. That’s unusual, I hope that what you have just put in my mouth has been washed. What felt like a wide wooden stick was forced between her teeth, and two lengths of rough rope was taken around to the back of her neck where they were tied together, with the damsel wondering what had been used to gag her.

“Lift your right foot up, and once we have put something on it, you can put it back down so that you can lift your left foot to repeat this.” Collette said, and the captive lifted her right foot up, noticing that something was slid over her feet and calf and she put her foot down so that she could lift her left leg with what could be a boot being placed onto her left foot.

Is it all over yet? No, you’re putting something on my head now, and it must be a hat. An elasticated band was taken down to her chin which she presumed would hold the hat in place, even if she ran around while they played the new game.

“I am going to remove your blindfold, so take a few seconds to get used to the light.” Megumi said as the helpless lady felt the untying of the knot that held the last cloth strip in place, and she blinked several times after the material was pulled away from her face so that her eyes could adjust to the brightness.

All three of you are dressed as stereotypical Native American maidens, even with moccasins on your feet, and you have set me up as a cowgirl. I have the stylised high heeled boots on my feet, a denim miniskirt around my legs, and I am wearing a red and white long sleeved checked shirt. Oh, the rim of my hat is black so I must be a baddie. Although I am surprised at this, as the reality of what happened was far removed from the western shows, and this is more than a little ethically questionable.

The captive expression must have mirrored her thoughts as she stood there in her bondage, because Collette responded with a smile on her lips. “Remember Cecyme, it isn’t Cowgirls and Indians anymore, It’s Noble Natives against Genocidal Europeans. That means that it is okay to take the evil Cowgirl captive and torture her for the horrors that her kind have committed.”

“Calling you ‘Paleface’ would be a little silly, though.” Megumi said “Collette and Selma have to use sun factor 50, otherwise they will become a bright shade of lobster, and even I am very fair skinned. Back to the game now, this is like Escape From The Camp, except you have been a very bad Cowgirl who has trespassed onto our sacred burial grounds in the search for rare artifacts. You will have to count up to fifty before you start, and you will have to get to the mansion without any of us three catching you to win. We will be spread out as usual, and you should have a good chance to get past us.”

“If you win, then the spirits have smiled on you and you will be able to leave. Should we catch you, then the spirits of the sacred land require retribution for your sacrilegious misdeeds, and you will be taken back for a most horrible torture. So, if you stand against a tree, close your eyes and count up to fifty, we will get into position.”

Cecyme walked over to the tree that she been bound to until about ten minutes ago, closed her eyes as instructed and started the long countdown that would allow the other three to get ready. It’s been some time since I last played this game, and at that time the sole person was the native maiden who was trying to get away from the cowgirls. I have a feeling that the torture is going to be more sophisticated than the ones which were used when I last played. After all, we were teens then, and a lot of actions were out of bounds for obvious reasons. This time, I don’t know what will happen to me if I fail, but unless I’m good or lucky it won’t be long before I find out.

As required by the rules of the game, the bound and gagged captive took her time in counting up to fifty, and she opened her eyes to see that no one was in the orchard. It wouldn’t be any fun if I was caught straight away, as it is the suspense that can work on the mind of the captive as she attempts to escape. It took just a few seconds for Cecyme to reach the open door to the orchard, and she peeked around the corner so that there would be no surprises waiting for her. Unless they see me before I can see them, I’ll have the chance of a head start, but in these high-heeled boots, they will still have the advantage of a faster speed. Keeping to the paths will make me an easy target for being spotted or heard, but I will have to look out for anything that might make a noise underfoot when I keep to the bushes and trees.

The fleeing captive took her time as she wound her way around the bushes and her apprehension inside her rose as there was still no sign of anyone which could mean that she was being watched at this very moment. However, a minute later she noticed a movement out of the corner of her right eye which caused her to freeze on the spot and she took her time in turning her head in that direction, in the hope that she could avoid being noticed herself. It’s Selma, and she’s looking away from me, so I have been very lucky. Had she been facing this way, I may have been the one to be spotted instead and she would have been able to sneak up on me. She’s walking over to the path, so I know which way to go to avoid her. This was the hardest part for the captive, as she found herself splitting her attention between where her potential captive was and the route that she was taking through the bushes. After a few minutes had passed, she paid more attention to the route as she knew that Selma had a habit of checking the nearest path, just in case the escaping prisoner decided to take that route. You should know which way I would have gone, Selma, but it has been some time since we played this and you could have forgotten how I play this game.

Seeing as all three ladies had to keep to their own areas of the garden, Cecyme knew that she wouldn’t run into one of the others straight away, but there would come a point where keeping an eye out for another hunter would become a priority. The next one can only be Collette or Megumi, and Collette will be easier to get past as she is easily distracted. Megumi will be the real challenge and sometimes it was better just to take the risk and run for it. The area of bushes that she was heading into were a little lower than she was, which mean that she either had to bend over or crouch down so that her head was hidden. Crouching slowed her progress more, but at least it was easier to keep a look out for one of the other two ladies.

“Well, I think that our new Mistress is going to adjust well, and she is going to be one of the girls.”

That’s Collette, but who is she talking to? As the bound and gagged cowgirl peeked around one of the taller bushes, she could see that the red headed woman was talking to Paul, and she seemed to be oblivious to anything else. The men are neutral in this game, so even though there is a gap where Paul can see me, he will not let Collette know that I am here. After all, she will have started the conversation with him. Here I go.

“It’s great to be able to start these games again, and I hope that this will go on for a long time.” As Cecyme went around the bush to get to the other one, she took as shallow a breath as possible because she didn’t want to take any chances of Collette hearing her, but avoiding Paul’s gaze was going to be impossible. She knew that the man had seen her, but apart from a moment of surprise which the other lady hadn’t noticed, he behaved as if nothing was happening. It felt to the helpless lady as if it had taken forever to move across the patch of open ground, but it was only about fifteen seconds before she was out of sight of Paul with Collette not noticing her at all.

The last person is Megumi, and she will be the hardest to get past, as she always finds the best ambush spots. Perhaps the strategy here is to pick most unsafe route and use distance to give me a head start to reaching the mansion. She has captured me so many times before, when I was the bound native, and she will try to work out which path I will take.

It seemed that fortune was on the side of the lady in bondage this time, as she caught a glimpse of the would-be nemesis in the bushes, but the oriental lady was concentrating on another location. I would have gone that way, as it was the safest, and she could have just reached out and took hold of me. As it is, I have a clear path to the mansion once I take the detour around her. This is great, just for once I’m going to get past Megumi!

There was nothing in the way of the lady as she moved with care along the way to the house and once the captive had passed the closest point to the ambusher, she felt easier about the situation. You three are going to be annoyed with me when I end up at the house, because this will put an end to the fun that you will have planned for me. Every step that Cecyme made took her further away from the danger area, and she knew that there would come a point when even if she was discovered there would be enough of a head start to allow her to reach the mansion.

However, as she made these steps her concentration was on the woman who was watching and given the game that they were playing along with the clothes that they were wearing, what happened next seemed to be appropriate even if it was the most stereotypical of events…

Oh Shit! Cecyme froze in place as she heard the dry twig snap underneath her right foot, which at this moment was the exact opposite of what she should have done as Megumi responded within a moment of hearing the sound.  As there were no other options left open for the damsel, she started to run towards the rear of the mansion. I should have kept my eyes on where I was going, rather than gloating over having got past Megumi. Just how many stories and proverbs cover this? It took only a few seconds for the cowgirl to run at her fastest, but this was hampered by the high heels on her boots and having her arms bound to her sides with her wrists in front of her. As the lady glanced behind her, she noticed that her chaser was just far enough behind her to make the interception impossible. I might just reach the goal before you get to me though, so I may get away with this after all.

The running damsel concentrated on the building that she was approaching, so she wasn’t aware of what was happening behind her when Megumi lifted a long coil of rope from over her shoulders…

Oh no, I was so close! A moment later, the poor damsel had to stop as she suffered from a reversal of a classic stereotype, when the loop of rope landed around her shoulders before it tightened around her waist and arms. I’m the cowgirl, and I’ve been lassoed by the Native. I’ve lost the game and now I will have to endure whatever you three have in store for me. The tug of the rope made the bound and gagged lady take a step back from her position which was only approximately five feet away from the house.

“Everyone, I’ve captured the evil sacrilegious Cowgirl! She’s just a few yards from the rear!” Megumi said as she stepped up to the side to the helpless Cecyme, who was forced onto her back on the floor before her ankles were brought together, and the pretend native used a length of rope from her waist to bind her captive’s legs together. Twelve loops of the rough hemp were looped around her ankles before four cinches tightened the cord so that it pressed against the boots, and the ends of the rope was tied together at the back of her ankles. Cecyme was rolled onto her left side, the lasso rope was taken around her ankle bonds and back up to the loop around her waist, before her feet were brought up to her bottom which left her immobilised.

“I must admit that I was very lucky today, Cecyme.” Megumi said. “If you had not stepped on the twig, you would have been successful. However, you did lose so you will have to be tortured.”

I just hope that you don’t go too hard on me...

(To Be Continued.)

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